Learning to Seek at Rockefeller’s “Science Saturday”
MAY 08, 2019

We met the next generation of Seek contributors, editors, and art directors this weekend at The Rockefeller University’s “Science Saturday,” an annual science festival for children in grades K–8 and their families. 

Participants received a crash course in both science communication and magazine publishing as they created all kinds of content for their very own issue of Rockefeller’s award-winning research magazine. 







Science Saturday was created in part to address the need for high quality science programming for schoolchildren throughout New York City. This STEM festival offers fascinating talks, demonstrations, and hands-on experiments led by Rockefeller scientists. Young students participate in investigations involving neuroscience, chemistry, life sciences, medicine, and engineering, as well as other fields. Each year, more than 1,000 children, parents, and teachers participate in Science Saturday.

About Seek
Seek is the bi-annual research magazine of The Rockefeller University in New York City. Launched in 2017, it goes beyond reporting on results and breakthroughs to examine the underlying drivers of discovery—the people, ideas, and conversations that spark important scientific turning points.